
Showing posts from February, 2018

Avoid “Text” Neck

To put text neck in perspective, when the spine is in a neutral position, the head weighs about 15lbs. When the head is facing down, to look at a phone and respond to several texts, the neck leans forward and weighs about 25lbs. Having your head down to look at your phone will wreak havoc on your spine, sooner or later. Dr. Paul Hoyal of Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness wants patients to avoid “text” neck by following these tips. If you look at your cell phone too much, you may notice upper back pain that ranges from a mild pain to a sharp, severe, stiffness. Shoulder pain and tightness are also possible. Dr. Paul Hoyal may suggest spinal manipulation to treat the problem, but you will need to make some daily changes to feel relief. You can avoid “text” neck by taking frequent breaks from your phone or laptop throughout the day. Be sure to always look forward, instead of down, to take a strain off the neck. If you have questions or concerns regarding posture or ergonomics,

Stand up Straight!

Practicing good posture tips goes beyond standing up straight, good posture can reduce stress on the spine, and prevent injury during exercise. Good posture helps us balance because by standing up straight, we center our weight over our feet, taking pressure off our knees and hips. If you walk past a mirror and catch yourself slouching, Dr. Paul Hoyal of Elevate Chiropractic and Wellness Center encourages you to follow these tips. Imagine that a string is attached to the top of your head and pulling you upwards. The idea is to keep your body in perfect alignment, maintaining the spine’s natural curvature, neck straight and shoulders parallel with the hips. To stand correctly, you should always keep your shoulders back and relaxed while pulling in your abdomen and keeping your feet about hip distance apart. Balance your weight evenly on both feet and try not to tilt your head forward, backward or sideways. Finally, you should always keep your legs straight, but your feet relax

Chiropractic Treatment for Migraines

Dr. Paul Hoyal of Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness recommends chiropractic adjustments for migraine sufferers who have yet to find relief. Chiropractic treatment will not cure migraines, but it is one of the few ways to be proactive against migraines and help prevent them.  In someone prone to migraine episodes, a trigger can often be a misalignment, or subluxation of the spine.  Migraines can begin with tension in the neck, but even patients without migraines find keeping their neck free of kinks helps improve frequent headaches. Dysfunctional vertebrae in the neck can cause increased muscle tension and interrupt the nerves that control blood flow to the brain. Chiropractic adjustments relieve the pressure and tension that results in headaches, and keep the spine aligned to help it function at its best. Regular chiropractic adjustments also help facilitate healthy blood flow and nerve function.  For a chronic migraine sufferer it may take weeks of consistent adjustments, but