Neck Pain Relief

The neck has a tough job, as it supports the weight of the head which weighs about 10lbs. If you’re someone who spends too much time on the phone, the neck may become stiff, and if the head is tilted, you are putting more than 10lbs of pressure on your shoulders. The cervical spine is composed of vertebrae that begin in the upper torso and end at the base of the skull. For many people, neck pain will heal with time. If you can’t find relief, seek help from Dr. Paul Hoyal at Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness.

Neck pain may result from abnormalities in the soft tissues – the muscles, ligaments, nerves – as well as in the bones and discs of the spine. The most common causes of neck pain are due to wear and tear and may cause aches in the upper back, shoulders, or arms. If you experience weakness or numbness in the arms or legs, seek treatment immediately. Dr. Paul Hoyal will develop an individualized treatment plan depending on the cause.

If you have questions or concerns regarding neck pain management, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn about services provided at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Paul Hoyal at Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness in Kansas City, MO, call 816-321-1620.


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