Rehabilitating Hip Injuries
The hip is a highly flexible and stable joint. It’s what allows us to walk, run, and jump. In addition to being flexible, each hip joint must be strong enough to support half of our body’s weight. If a hip joint wears out, a patient may develop bursitis, arthritis, or possibly sacroiliac joint dysfunction. If your hip is causing you pain, Dr. Paul Hoyal of Elevate Life Chiropractic can develop an individualized rehabilitation plan to increase your range of motion and get you back in tip-top shape. To assess your condition, you will need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hoyal. For some hip problems, improving the flexibility of short and tight muscles is necessary to restore full function. Physical rehabilitation exercises for hip pain may include manual therapy techniques, posture correction, and therapeutic exercises to strengthen the hip and prevent injury. Depending on the patient’s condition, a rehabilitation program may be suggested for 4-6 weeks. If you have questions or con