
Showing posts from March, 2018

Intro to Fibromyalgia

One of the most common sources of pain requiring holistic treatment is fibromyalgia. At the Elevate Life chiropractic and wellness center in Kansas City, we often treat patients who have failed to find relief through mechanisms that only target individual systems, which is why we want our patients to understand that fibromyalgia is a whole-body phenomenon. Fibromyalgia is a disorder of both the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. It causes dull, throbbing pain and fatigue in every quadrant of the body as well as difficulties with memory and concentration. Relatedly, it also disrupts patients’ sleep and is highly correlated with depression, anxiety, and irritable bowel syndrome. It is especially prominent among people with temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJD), but most TMJD patients are younger women, whereas fibromyalgia patients tend to be older. There are a number of treatments that can relieve the pain of fibromyalgia, including personalized acupuncture regimen

Acute Pain Management

Acute pain is defined as pain that arises quickly, may feel severe, but lasts a shorter amount of time than chronic pain. If you fall asleep in a weird position, or pull a muscle while lifting a heavy object, you may notice pain in a concentrated area, but it may be manageable with things you have around the house, such as an ice pack or a heating pad. If your acute pain becomes a cause for concern, seek the help of Dr. Paul Hoyal of Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness so he can help you get back to living a pain-free life. Acute pain comes on suddenly and usually caused by something specific. If you have pain that is present in your shoulders, neck, upper back, lower back, or even in the legs and hips, Dr. Paul Hoyal has a method to treat these problem areas. Once acute pain has been eliminated, the patient may carry on with their days like nothing is wrong. However, if pain lasts more than seven days, it risks becoming chronic. If the pain is hindering your daily activities,

Spinal Manipulation

Spinal manipulation may sound painful, but it’s actually a very relaxing method of treatment. The act of spinal manipulation targets vertebrae that have abnormal movement patterns or seem to function incorrectly. Dr. Paul Hoyal of Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness performs this method of therapy with his hands, while the patient is fully clothed to relieve back pain, manage pain, and increase a patient’s range of motion. Spinal manipulation, also known as hand manipulation or manual therapy, is designed to relieve pressure on joints, reduce inflammation, and improve nerve function. It has been known to relieve headaches, as well as back, shoulder, and neck pain. To perform a spinal manipulation, Dr. Paul Hoyal will have the patient lay on a table and apply firm pressure on the vertebrae that is causing discomfort. If you have questions or concerns regarding spinal manipulation, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn about services provided at the

Tailbone Injuries

At the Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness clinic in Kansas City, we believe in minimally invasive interventions that allow the body to heal itself. One example of this is our treatment of tailbone injuries. While these injuries are serious and deserve attention, the best way to handle them is to manage pain symptoms and to adjust the bones so they don’t cause complications. The tailbone is actually a structure made up of several vertebrae at the bottom of the spine. It is scientifically known as the coccyx and pain in it is called coccydynia. An injury there is unlikely to be a fracture since it’s well protected, but strains can happen as a result of activities such as bicycling or horseback riding. Whenever vertebrae are displaced or tissues around them swell up, there is a chance nerve function will be impeded. In the case of the tailbone, this can result in sciatica and result in pain or numbness in the legs. After conducting imaging tests to confirm the tailbone is the l

Backpack Usage

Our chiropractor, Dr. Paul Hoyal, takes a holistic and preventive approach to health. In order to avoid back pain, it is best if people begin practicing good habits at a young age. A major component of that is proper backpack usage. A backpack is a better option than a shoulder bag or a large purse. Weight should be distributed across both shoulders and, ideally, with a chest strap. But weight should also be kept to a minimum. Children shouldn’t be carrying anything they don’t anticipate needing and should make stops at their lockers throughout the day to switch items. A backpack should never weigh more than 15% of its wearer’s body weight. When putting items in the backpack, they should also be evenly distributed. The backpack should rest in the middle of the upper part of the back, not against the lower part. If your children are experiencing pain, numbness, or tingling in their shoulders or arms, that could also be a sign their backpacks are too heavy or are badly designed. T