
Showing posts from April, 2018

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture dates back to 2500 years ago when the Chinese used it as a component of their healthcare system. Dr. Paul Hoyal of Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness utilizes acupuncture today because it is still proven to provide beneficial results to those suffering from low back pain, fibromyalgia, menstrual cramps, and osteoarthritis. If you’ve been skeptical about trying acupuncture, perhaps we can convince you to give it a try. Acupuncture is a safe and effective way to relieve pain. It has the ability to improve the body’s functions while promoting the natural self-healing process by stimulating acupressure points on the body. To begin acupuncture treatment, you will lay comfortably on a treatment table while precise acupoints are stimulated on various areas of the body with tiny needles. Most people feel minimal discomfort as the needles are placed. If you have questions or concerns regarding acupuncture, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn

Chronic Pain Characteristics

Pain is an unpleasant feeling for most. It may appear as a sting, a burn, or an ache and can feel sharp or dull. Dr. Paul Hoyal at Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness helps patients eliminate pain and encourage you to seek treatment for yours before it becomes chronic. Chronic pain can last for weeks, months, or even years and psychological factors can make it worse. Common sources of chronic pain include injuries, headaches, backaches, and joint pain. By letting this pain go untreated, you are only hurting yourself further. Once the cause of the pain is determined and proper treatment is received, you will begin to heal and the pain will reduce over time. Seeking treatment for chronic pain can help you get your life back. Treatment will depend on the cause of your symptoms. If you have questions or concerns regarding chronic pain management, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn about services provided at the practice, visit  www.kcfamilychiroprac

How to Warm Up before Work-Outs

Our holistic approach to musculoskeletal problems at Elevate Life in Kansas City emphasizes how a proper understanding of the body’s workings can prevent or treat a lot of injuries with minimal invasiveness. If you have decided you want to start exercising, it is important to know how to avoid soft tissue injuries by doing warm-ups the right way. You don’t ever want to stretch a muscle that is still “cold.” Static stretches, which is the term for when someone holds a stretch for a long time, have their place, but that is during the cool-down at the end of a work-out. The best warm-ups are those which flex the body while keeping it in motion. These are called “dynamic stretches.” Some of the well-known examples are arm circles, butt-kicks, lunges, and leg swings. Yoga also includes a lot of dynamic stretches, which is part of the reason for its popularity. Warm-ups should take at least five minutes and should encompass the entire body, although people sometimes especially target