
Showing posts from January, 2018

Sports Injuries

More professional athletes are turning to chiropractors than ever.  Medical doctors tend to treat a sports injury by alleviating symptoms with medication and recommending rest from activity.  At Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness, our approach to rehabilitating sports injuries takes the rest of the body and its natural ability to heal itself into account.  This always results in less time ‘benched’ from activity and a speedy recovery! You don’t need to be a professional athlete to rehabilitate a sports injury the right way.  If you or your family members are involved in sports, a chiropractor can help you too.  Rather than prescription medication and rest from activity, a chiropractor will focus on repairing any damage to hard and soft tissue with chiropractic adjustments to     the spine and extremities.  If you are in pain from an injury, of course your chiropractor will advise the best pain relief strategy for you.  However, your only prescription will likely include physica

Spinal Decompression Therapy

Dr. Paul Hoyal of Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness heals patients dealing with problematic spinal discs using spinal decompression therapy.  Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy is a safe, targeted treatment for any discs wreaking havoc on a patient’s spine or nerves.  Injured discs in the neck and back cause pain, but can also affect the rest of the body.  Herniated discs often have direct impact on the central nervous system, causing more pain to the extremities.  Dr. Paul Hoyal can determine if spinal decompression is appropriate for your issue. Spinal decompression is performed with equipment that resembles a table but has moving parts.  Depending on the location of the issue, patients lie on their back or stomach, and are attached to the equipment with padded straps so distraction forces can be applied to the spine.  The treatment alternates between applying distraction forces to the vertebrae and periods of partial relaxation.  The result is the vertebrae slowly an

What is Whiplash?

Most cases of whiplash are often caused by car accidents, but whiplash can occur in any event that the head and neck are suddenly forced backward and then forward. If you’ve ever let your neck whip around on a rollercoaster, you probably realized after the fact that this wasn’t a good idea. Whiplash doesn’t always arise immediately following trauma, which is why Dr. Paul Hoyal of Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness encourages patients to visit the office after suffering injury. Mild whiplash is not life-threatening, but if left untreated, over time it can do more harm to the body than good. If the head and neck are forced out of their normal range-of-motion this can lead to symptoms of neck strain, upper back pain, and/or shoulder pain. Dr. Hoyal will discuss treatment methods depending on the severity of whiplash, but typical treatment options include electric muscle stimulation or hand manipulation. If you have recently been injured in an automobile accident or have question

First Chiropractic Visit

As a new patient, Dr. Paul Hoyal of Elevate Life Chiropractic and Wellness wants you to know what to expect. The first visit is all about our staff getting to know you, and you getting to know the chiropractor. Per usual, new patients will need to fill out some paperwork, but this won’t take long, and the appointment should last no more than thirty minutes. Whether you are because of a friend’s referral or you’ve run out of options for treating your pain, we are here to help get you back on your feet. During your first appointment, Dr. Hoyal will perform a physical examination. If necessary, he will take X-rays to determine the cause of your pain. Once Dr. Hoyal has a better understanding of your condition, he will develop a personalized treatment plan to alleviate your pain, increase your range-of-motion, and generally improve your overall health. If you have questions or concerns regarding chiropractic care, please give us a call. To learn about services provided at the practic